Boris Müller

Interface & Interaction Design





Invited Talks and Conferences


23. 11. 2018

Datenvisualisierung als Software-Interface
software@work Conference;
Hamburg, Germany


4. 5. 2018

Bringing Design to Science
Visualizing Knowledge Conference;
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland


15. 12. 2017

Design zwischen Aufklärung und Verklärung
Digital Design Learning Conference
Köln International School of Design (KISD), Germany


03. 12. 2017

designscience sciencedesign
Future Unknown Conference
Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, China


27. 11. 2017

Introduction to Digital Media
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany


04. 07. 2017

Design Research of the Urban Complexity Lab
Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany


15. 09. 2016

Data Worlds
together with Moritz Stefaner; SAP UX Day;
SAP, Walldorf, Germany


10. 06. 2016

Interfacedesign: eine unfassbare Gestaltungsdisziplin
Workshop Politiken des Interfaces
Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM) Potsdam, Germany


29. 10. 2015

Industrie 4.0 Faktor Mensch
with Prof. Dr. Rainer Müller VDE Region Nord-West
Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, Germany


29. 04. 2014

Big Data and Data Visualization
pearls (Potsdam Research Network) forum Hasso Plattner Institut Potsdam, Germany


15. 04. 2014

Data Visualization
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK


05. 10. 2013

GED Viz; Berlin, Germany


24. 02. 2013

Datenvisualisierung – Kommunikation, Exploration und Immersion
#RSE13 Ein Futurologischer Kongress Hamburg, Germany


24. 11. 2012

Interface Design programme at FHP
together with Marcus Paeschke, Designtage Brandenburg Potsdam, Germany


06. 02. 2012

Presentation of FHP-Powerdome projects FullDome Festival Jena, Germany


28. 05. 2011

Unknown Unknowns
InterAction Now Stuttgart, Germany


11. 04. 2011

with Till Nagel Re-Publica Berlin, Germany


29. — 31. 10. 2010

Exhibition and presentation of mæve Designers Open Leipzig, Germany


13. 02. 2009

Scent of Information workshop; Ludwig Boltzmann Institut Linz, Austria


19. 10. 2007

Generative Design
Edit 08 Conference; Geilo, Norway


06. 09. 2007

Presentation of the Interface Design programme Ars Electronica Linz, Austria


10. 05. 2007

rule based images
Kultur und Informatik Conference Berlin, Germany


28. 06. 2006

Lecture at the research and development workshop Eikones;
HGK Basel, Switzerland


10. 02. 2006

Communication Next; Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Germany


29. 05. 2005

Informationsarchitektur und Informationsgestaltung in der Lehre
together with Prof. Danijela Djokic IA-Tagung, Frankfurt a. M., Germany


03. 12. 2004

Profile Intermedia 7
Bremen, Germany


05. 05. 2004

n_space Ringevent; Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Germany


23. 04. 2004

Technologie Transfer Forum; together with Prof. Reto Wettach Hannover Trade Fair, Germany


13. 02. 2004

Software as Material
Hyperwerk Basel, Switzerland


14. — 19. 07. 2002

Software as Material
Computer Science Symposium on Aesthetic Computing Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany


25. 06. 2002

Forest of Thoughts
ACM DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) London, UK


21. — 22. 09. 2001

Designing Knowledge Maps
cast01 conference Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany


17. 02. 2001

Rund um den Domshof in Bremen
EuroPrix Gala in Luleå, Sweden


02. 10. 2000

Toptalent Festival; Vienna, Austria


05. 12. 1999

Profile Intermedia 2 Conference; Bremen, Germany


20. 05. 1999

2nd International Browserday; Amsterdam, Netherlands


07. — 12. 02. 1999

Young Talents Pavillion; together with T. Brooke und M. Gosling. MILIA 99 in Cannes, France


05. 12. 1998

Profile Intermedia conference, Together with H. Evans and M. Gosling. Bremen, Germany


22. 10. 1996

Windows on the Digital Future conference; London, UK